
Posts mit dem Label "Germany" werden angezeigt.

Germany's Merz in 'difficult' talks over plans to boost defence spending

Debate over multibillion-Euro top-up to military fund is playing a central role in exploratory coalition discussions. View article...

Senior German MP says vote was 'successfully' manipulated by foreign actors

Head of Bundestag intelligence committee calls on government to be clear about impact of malign actors. View article...

Germany Is Divided Again

Germany's next government will inherit a country more polarized than at any time in recent history. Every German federal election since World War ... View article...

Germany AfD gains: Far-right wins in western cities for the first time

The far-right Alternative for Germany party, or AfD, has won nearly all constituencies in the former East Germany in a national election on Sunday ... View article...

Eighty Percent of Germans Voted Against the Far Right. Can That Happen Here?

The day before the German election, I was sobbing uncontrollably over a video that my German family sent me. It shows a table on a sidewalk, set with ... View article...

Germany's conservatives declare victory in Berlin. Now the hard work begins

A conservative alliance made up of the CDU and CSU is set to lead Germany again, but the new coalition government will have to confront pressing ... View article...

Who is Friedrich Merz, the man now most likely to lead Germany?

The centre-right CDU has emerged as the biggest party in the German election, making Merz the most likely to lead a government, ... View article...

Corporate bosses urge Berlin to quickly move on weak economy

German business leaders on Monday called on Berlin to quickly form a new government, warning Europe's top economy could not ... View article...

German election: Asian immigrants wary of far-right

As Germany holds its national election on February 23, Asian immigrants fear a possible far - right backlash against them. View article...

The potential economic impact and market reaction

The German election could lead to potential reforms of the government debt limit, immigration laws, and green energy transition policy. View article...

When Germany Votes, It Will Be About the Economy

When German voters go to the polls, the fate of companies like SKW Piesteritz will be at the top of their minds. View article...

'Our neighbours are daring to choose fascism again': Germany's election leaves many ...

A high-stakes campaign defined by anti-migration rhetoric has stoked fear instead of discussion of pressing structural problems. View article...

Germany's $11 billion rail disaster: How Stuttgart 21 became a never-ending infrastructure nightmare

Fifteen years after construction began, Stuttgart 21— Germany's ambitious rail overhaul—remains unfinished, over budget, and mired in controversy. View article...

German election and rising right: A watershed for LGBTQ+ rights

LGBTQ+ Germans fear conservatives could vote with the far - right AfD to block further progress and roll back existing protections. View article...

Far-right AfD shifts debate on German climate policy, but lacks real say – researcher

AfD election posters, as pictured above during the 2024 EU election against solar panels and wind turbines, rely on exaggerated claims and remove ... View article...

Coal exit funding used to explore geothermal potential in Germany's most populous state

Clean Energy Wire. Research institute Fraunhofer IGE is setting up a research laboratory for geothermal energy generation in western German North ... View article...

Porsche is cutting nearly 2000 jobs in Germany as its EV struggles worsen

Porsche plans to cut 1,900 jobs in Germany by 2029 as it struggles with slumping EV sales. The luxury sports car maker has already warned of lower ... View article...

Munich attack re-ignites debate on migration in Germany

The man who rammed his car into a crowd in Munich lived in Germany legally. Nevertheless his violent attack has re-ignited the debate on migration ... View article...

Far-right party heading for its strongest result yet in Germany's election.

It finished second in the European Parliament election in June, and in September, the best-known figure on its hardest- right wing , Bjorn Hocke, ... View article...

As Germany election looms, far-right German party continues to gather support

The Feb. 23 poll is a snap election, following the collapse of center-left Chancellor Olaf Scholz's coalition government last year. The far-right ... View article...